Made by Jiu-jitsu hands...

For jiu-jitsu bodies

Notes from the (Martial) Artist

Martial arts give us freedom in exchange for discipline. You must respect each technique for the unique strengths and weaknesses it provides. And only when you respect them all, are you free to choose from them.
This differs from art.
Art gives us freedom in exchange for creativity. You must break from the norm and formed, find the thing that makes you unique, and then use that to create something that is worthy of respect and praise.
To me these two worlds are synonymous. They are hand in hand.
See, both give us freedom and both demand things that you think don't fit together but this does a beautiful thing for us. Gives us balance, between creativity and discipline, and that balance gives us more freedom.

Stay training,
Stay creating,
Stay snakey my fingas.

Stay Snakey my Fingas

Snake Fingers is a reference to the purpose in which we use our hand's limbs.


First time you feel your hand slithering into someone's collar and use it to squeeze them to death... (please do not kill your training partners)... you'll know what we are talking about.

It's all chokes and jokes over here folks

"A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist." ~ Louis Nizer

"Our hands are, at least in one sense, like our minds. Through Jiu-Jitsu we discipline them. Through art we free them." ~ Snake Fingers